During the first week of February the preschool class tied in Groundhog Day by using flashlights to learn about shadows. They read the book “Groundhog Day” and made a groundhog snack and craft. For Valentine’s Day they counted hearts and made letters with conversation hearts. The children listened to “Mouse Paint” and used finger paint to mix primary colors into secondary colors! They wrapped up the month learning about teeth and oral hygiene. Little Scholars Preschool was paid a special visit by the dental office of Dr. John P. Balamas, D.M.D. The pre-k children continued to work on letter sounds. They began February with the sound of “L” for love. They have also been practicing writing their name in lower case letters. In the mathematics domain, the children worked on corresponding numbers to unifix cubes, and then graphing that number. Lastly, they did a study on animals. In language development they expanded their vocabulary by learning about hibernation and migration, animal's habitats, grasslands, deserts, rainforests and the polar regions. |
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AuthorsTara Rego & Brad Rego Owners of Archives
April 2022
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