The Preschool class is learning the difference between winter and summer. They handled REAL SNOW and PRETEND SNOW and then made observations. They painted REAL SNOW and also painted abstract pictures using different evergreens. Mrs. Oldham brought in a summer beach bucket filled with sand, sea shells, sea sponges, conch shell casings and even a horseshoe crab! Many seasonal books were read such as, One Winter's Day and Summer is Here. They continue to work on number recognition 1-5, shapes and the alphabet.
The two classes combined for a lesson about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The first activity was a discussion that "It's Okay to be Different". We discussed how people can differ – hair color, eye color, height, gender, and skin color – but are all unique and special. We learned how MLK wanted all people to be treated fairly. They learned the song, "I've Got Peace in My Fingers" by Susan Salidor. We even tied our scrambled eggs snack into the lesson plan. We talked about how white and brown eggs are different on the outside but the same on the inside! The books All the Colors of the Earth and MLK Jr. Day were read.