Many winter weather activities were done. After reading the book, The Mitten, children acted out the story and then painted a snowman and creatively decorated it. Students became ‘ice explorers’ and learned how water freezes and melts. They did an experiment using salt, water and their hands to see what makes ice melt! The children also used white (snow) slime to have sensory experiences.
In recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a wonderful activity was done whereby the children discussed differences such as hair color, eye color, skin color, height and gender. They discussed how every person is unique but all people are to be treated equally and fairly. They also learned the song “I've Got Peace in My Fingers" by Susan Salidor and then made hearts by tracing their hands. They learned that Dr. King delivered a speech called, “I Have a Dream”. They then discussed their dreams for the of which was to always be kind to one another!